Bombings In London

jamie_mack said:
45 fatality total now!

Terrible, that figure will almost certainly rise given the time of the attack.

Probably just coincidence but the first bomb went off (8:49am BST) at almost the exact same time as the first plane crashing into the trade centre on Sept 11th (8:47am EST).
My first cousin just emailed me to let me know he and his brother are ok. They live in downtown London and commute on one of the very tube lines that was bombed. He was already at the hospital for work this morning and is now treating the injured.

A close friend of mine visiting London just emailed me and said she's alright, too, Thank God.

I pray the culprits are tortured to death. My thoughts and prayers to the deceased and their families.
ghazi said:
My first cousin just emailed me to let me know he and his brother are ok. They live in downtown London and commute on one of the very tube lines that was bombed. He was already at the hospital for work this morning and is now treating the injured.

A close friend of mine visiting London just emailed me and said she's alright, too, Thank God.

I pray the culprits are tortured to death. My thoughts and prayers to the deceased and their families.
mmm my family..cousins and aunt in london are fine as well thank prayers go out to those who lost loved ones.....absolutely tragic....ruined my whole day.....innocent people and children do not deserve this.....may god bring his wrath upon the terrorists who did this...
I am in London and everyone has started rumours about who it was. Everyone has their own thoughts about this but most thoughts should go to people injured and dead. My dad was on Edgware Road where the thrid blast happened and thankfully I found out he was oK
I've been watching the news all day now, realy makes me angry what this world is coming to. The attacks in the US and Madrid that happend in the past are awful as well, but England is more close to my heart, because i have family there. Thank god they are allright.

I like to quote reefur on this: "absolutely tragic....ruined my whole day.....innocent people and children do not deserve this.....may god bring his wrath upon the terrorists who did this..."

I totaly feel the same way man, my sympaties for all the victims in London.
I saw some seriously nasty shit on my way to work. I had to walk past King's Cross and Euston because all the tubes were out. The air all around was heavy with the remnants of the smoke from below, all over the pavements were people black with smoke with medics all around them. I saw the bus in Tavistock about 5 mins after it happened, women screaming and crying running away. I even saw some suit with blood streaming down his face while he was stil chatting on his mobile phone! Classic 'british resolve' I guess.

No jokes though. Whoever's responsible, pray for an early death, cuz if we ever catch you we're gonna feed you your own balls. Stay strong London x
Its amazing how things can change in a few hours... Yesterday, we were all in joy after our Olympics success and today we are in shock of a terrorist attack. But what I will say is that I am as proud of my city and our people as I was from the triumph of yesterday - the strength and resilience shown was just amazing - People still continued to do their everyday things to show that these attacks haven't had an affect at all...

I regularly pass Aldgate when I go to work - it was so surreal looking at all the scenes on TV...My thoughts go out to all those affected..
As the late Kenny Everitt would say "Round em up , put em in a field and bomb the bastards !!!!" I hope they wipe this scum from the face of the earth !!!
It is a very dark day for England and my thoughts go out for the families of the injured and the dead. i agree wholly with George Gallaway " i hope you see now it was the wrong thing to invade iraq (tony blair). "tony blair has brought this upon the british people".

oh and no one knows that it was al queada i am watching news 24 and it just said the police are keeping an open mind on who done it.
My dear English friends...i feel very sorry for you all.
I sincerely hope nobody on this forum was hurt or has friends or family who was hurt...
The people who do this are sick and only want to spread hatred, they are evil people.
It's good to hear that English people endure this with the calm dignity that is usual for them.
I also feel sorry for the thousands of moslim people who have nothing to do with this lunatics...let's show these idiots that a multicultural society is possible throughout the world...
My thought also go out for the families of the injured and dead. I hope they will find strength and solace in these difficult days...
Taken from

A Letter To The Terrorists, From London
July 07, 2005

What the fuck do you think you're doing?
This is London. We've dealt with your sort before. You don't try and pull this on us.

Do you have any idea how many times our city has been attacked? Whatever you're trying to do, it's not going to work.

All you've done is end some of our lives, and ruin some more. How is that going to help you? You don't get rewarded for this kind of crap.

And if, as your MO indicates, you're an al-Qaeda group, then you're out of your tiny minds.

Because if this is a message to Tony Blair, we've got news for you. We don't much like our government ourselves, or what they do in our name. But, listen very clearly. We'll deal with that ourselves. We're London, and we've got our own way of doing things, and it doesn't involve tossing bombs around where innocent people are going about their lives.

And that's because we're better than you. Everyone is better than you. Our city works. We rather like it. And we're going to go about our lives. We're going to take care of the lives you ruined. And then we're going to work. And we're going down the pub.

So you can pack up your bombs, put them in your arseholes, and get the fuck out of our city.
widget_man said:
It is a very dark day for England and my thoughts go out for the families of the injured and the dead. i agree wholly with George Gallaway " i hope you see now it was the wrong thing to invade iraq (tony blair). "tony blair has brought this upon the british people".

oh and no one knows that it was al queada i am watching news 24 and it just said the police are keeping an open mind on who done it.
Thats a fair point but what about when America was attacked? Iraq wasnt invaded then. It happened after that.
I am very suspicious with this whole bombing can they say it was al queada or muslim extremist just like that...I am telling you guys that there is something more deep ans sinister about this whole incident!!!

Don't believe everything you hear from these leaders.
RuneEdge said:
Thats a fair point but what about when America was attacked? Iraq wasnt invaded then. It happened after that.
this would have happend if britain was not in Iraq, this has nothing to do with Iraq, zero...
jamie_mack said:
Yup ignore our leaders and read the sun they have the real story!

I knew someone is going to reply with a comment like this :roll:

Thats not what i'm trying...i'm saying it's best to think for yourself and analize stuff...not just believe everything the media and the all the leaders say.

Anyways you can think how you want to think jamie_mack....remember how all the German ppl was holding on to everything Hitler was saying and putting out...well.....the rest is history.
csaunders said:
this would have happend if britain was not in Iraq, this has nothing to do with Iraq, zero...
Thats exactly my point. America got attacked before invading Iraq so its got nothing to do with the invasion. All terrorists are organising attacks to put fear into us. Thats their main objective.
I have to agree that this has nothing to do with Iraq -- nor is anyone in Europe (whether they have troops in Iraq or not) safe from this type of terrorism. In fact, our governments seem largely unable to prevent these attacks. What else is currently in the works and who's next? Milan, Paris, New York, Copenhagen, Berlin?

Question is, what should our response be? How does deal with these factions, whatever their name or cause is, who have no problem blowing up innocent women and children as their primary political and military tactic.

I was struck at the constrast in response between Spain and Britain. While the terrorists rightly believed Spain might cower to fear, they grossly mis-judged the character and strength of the Brits -- apparantly they forgot the lessons of WWII.
Hi mate (csaunders)

I'm sorry but I really don't see how you can possibly say that with all the evidence that points to the fact that it did. I realise Condoleeza Rice has been saying exactly that today and The British Government has of course been saying the same, but that is of course only to be expected.

Intelligence warnings from MI5 and MI6 before the invasion to disarm Iraq did not merely say that it would provoke retaliation from existing terrorist groups. They warned that the action, as with the illegal assault on Afghanistan, would create more terrorists; e.g. that it would drive more ordinary people towards violence.

Blair rejected terror warnings -

Cabinet aware of war terror risk -,,1040948,00.html

CIA says Iraq is now a terrorist training ground -

The CIA informed Congress last October that they knew of no link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda-style terrorism, but believed that an attack on Iraq would substantially increase the likelihood of terrorist attacks against the West. They argued that it would likely inspire a new generation of terrorists bent on revenge, and could even provoke Iraq into carrying out pre-prepared terrorist strikes.

Given how manifestly unjust the invasion of Iraq was (See the Downing Street Memos and other leaked documents), coupled with the almost global opposition to it at the time, the intelligence services were pretty much stating the obvious.

Obviously rejecting a policy simply because certain terrorist groups will react badly is of course, wrong. Rejecting a policy because it will inflame existing terrorists, create new ones and because it is manifestly wrong anyway is entirely sensible.

The argument against the attack and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq had a number of different levels, mainly the large loss of innocent life and the absence of 'democracy and freedom' other than as propaganda tools. However, when it was claimed by the aggressors that their wars were justified by the 'terrorist threat', it's necessary to counter that by pointing out that one of the likely consequences would be increased terror in response.

Extremists are able to gain support across the Middle East precisely because Western claims of 'democracy and freedom' are not true. To the people of the Middle East 'democracy and freedom' are empty slogans wheeled out to justify colonial occupation and dictatorship, recent support for the brutal Karimov regime in Uzbekistan is evident proof of this.

Entirely innocent people in NY, London, Madrid, Turkey and the Middle East have and are losing their lives due to the abhorrent nature of extremists on both sides who see terrorism - whether in the form of Al-Qaeda attacks or State organised "War" as a method to achieve their ends.

Only by pretending otherwise can it be suggested that an attack on my country wasn't explicitly a response to the occupation of Iraq but instead simply because 'they hate our freedoms'.

all the best



Hi RuneEdge,

The horrific Sept 11 attacks were a direct result of decades of a US Government Foreign Policy that has seen Financial & Military support given to some of the World's most brutal and oppresive regimes/dictators, mainly (although not exclusively) to ensure the control of Global & Strategic energy resources. Whilst this support may not be so well known by ordinary people in the West, in Latin & Central America, Africa, South East Asia and of course the Middle East it is well known, and as such presents a breeding ground where such injustice and resentment can lead to people commiting the most despicable of acts.

It goes without saying, in no possible way does this foreign policy justify the murder of over 3000 innocent people.

I'm afraid I've got to go now, and am off all next week, but I'll try to post some links later.



ps - CS, RuneEdge please don't take my posts as a personal assault or anything like that, I apologise to everyone in advance if my tone is too aggressive.
db, will all need to learn brevity -- but man you take the prize!

Here's something more sane, more relevant to the discussion, IMO.

From Johann Hari--

Anybody who tells you these bombers are fighting for the rights of Muslims in Iraq, occupied Palestine or Chechnya should look at the places they chose to bomb. Aldgate? The poorest and most Muslim part of the country. Edgware Road? The centre of Muslim and Arab life in London and, arguably, Europe...

Does anybody need greater evidence that these Islamic fundamentalists despise Muslims who choose to live in free societies, and they would enslave Muslims everywhere if they were given the opportunity?

Nor is this tit-for-tat revenge for deaths in Iraq: very similar jihadist plots have been foiled in France and Germany, countries that opposed the invasion. Anybody who doubted that the fight against Islamic fundamentalism – a murderous totalitarian ideology – was always our fight should know better now.
csaunders said:
this would have happend if britain was not in Iraq, this has nothing to do with Iraq, zero...

I have to disagree, no doubt these bastards are sick, murderous individuals, who have warped minds and warped understandings, but you seem to forget before Iraq was Afghanistan and Bush has been responsible for the death of Hundreds of thousands in these 2 countries in his so called 'war on terror' more like his 'war for oil'. Don't for one minute think I am making excuses for the terrorists, I hate them more than you as I understand their true reality, they bring shame upon Islaam they are just evil doers who create corruption and destruction all over the world, not just in the west but all over. They should be killed and Islaam stipulates this as a punishment for them. But what I am saying is that George Bush is just as bad if not worse responsible for many more deaths yet he has a public platform to speak from to justify his actions, I am 100% certain one day this will all become clear, but they way him and Tony Blair shout and emotively talk about the terrorists wanting to destroy their way of life is just propaganda in it's highest form, these warped people don't care what people do here, they just want them to do it here and not there. Even though their means of achieving them make them evil beyond comprehension and the fact that they do this in the name of Islaam makes it worse. They are cold blooded murderers. And Islaam forbids murder and holds life and people property as precious, Muslims or non muslims. But don't believe this was a randomn attack against democracy as George and Tony want you to believe, as they are behinds much worse attrocities in the afformentioned countries, which gave the murderers an excuse to make this county a target. Before they targetted here there targets were all in Muslim countries trying to cause uprisings and revolting against leaders, do your research on Algeria and other countries as examples. But the actions of George Bush are what bought them here.
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JayD said:
But don't believe this was a randomn attack against democracy.

What could be more "random" than planting bombs in trains during rush hour to take out as many innocents as possible. Seems like a pretty good definition to me.

British lefty Norm Geras wrote about randomness just yesterday, BTW:

"Across the globe, the enemies of democracy have shown themselves ready to commit any crime, to use any means, violating every human norm...killing people at random: the innocent, the old, the young, people of any class, any faith, any colour...Count the ways...

1. They attack Red Cross personnel.
2. They murder people working for the UN.
3. They kidnap and kill care workers.
4. They bomb holiday-makers, in nightclubs.
5. They blow up people travelling on trains - civilians.
6. They target people on buses - civilians.
7. They take civilian hostages.
8. They decapitate them.
9. They murder trade unionists.
10. They kidnap diplomats.
11. They kill people for being... barbers.
12. They fly aircraft full of civilians into skyscrapers where people are at work.
13. They take schoolchildren hostage and murder them.
14. They bomb synagogues.
15. They kill people shopping in a market.
16. They kill people queuing at a medical clinic.
17. They murder children in Baghdad.
18. They murder people on their way to work in London.

(And what have I forgotten?)

They are the enemies of democracy and the enemies of all humankind. They must be fought till they have been defeated."
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