Gym, excersise, health - Official thread

Re: I want to put on weight!

Parksy said:
master ur advice seems spot on. im 20 and wieght in about 10st 2lbs. im really skinny though which is deppressing. could u please tell me a guide of what to eat through tha day. I haven't got tha money to buy all this fancy stuff as i'm at collage full time. Also if u could tell me a weioght guide i could use at home as i waqnt to get a weight set.
Even if u could tell mehow i could just gain fat that would be a blessing.
cheers mate

oh yeh could u do a time table guide for me please mate.
the only weights i have at tha mo are to dumbells with 10kg on each cheers
Re: I want to put on weight!

Well to gain fat you've gotta put enough food in your system that it can't use it all productivly. But really you don't wanna be looking to gain fat but muscle. I mean although your 20 you still may not of filled out yet. The problem is you probably have a fast metabolism, but at some point it'll slow down. Also alot of people think they eat alot but actually don't.

So ideally you need to start going to gym cos there's only so much you can do at home.Don't be afraid of going to the gym, I have a mate who's not fat but a little chubby and he just will not goto the gym cos he's worried about what others will think off him. But it's not like that and if someone has a problem fuk em. Also try and find a gym with mostly men cos women are very distracting when training lol.

Just start off 3 times a week, mon-wed-fri, and each time just do a couple of exercises for each of the main muscles. Cos you don't wanna be doing muscle specific training till your body is actually used to training. So every couple of weeks just try and add a bit more weight to your exercises, then after about a month you'll have the beginners pump. Alot of people usually stop soon after cos they don't see the effects as much as when they first started.

But now you wanna be looking at targeting 2 different muscles every session. Still keep at 3 times a week but on monday do back/bicep/legs, wed do chest/tricep/, fri do back/bicep/legs then on the following monday do chest/tricep/ so your alternating days basically. I hate doing my legs lol, but unless you wanna look stupid it's necessary. You must learn how to do squat properly aswell.

Squats are one of the most important exercises for gaining size, always make sure you have a spotter. If your unsure just ask someone to show you and spot ya. Most people in the gym no matter how big and scary they look are usually alright and like to help and give you tips. Cos everybody has to start somewhere.

Now while doing all this you'll need to be eating properly, I would recommend creatine as it will help especially with your recovery times. It's not that much really, just goto a local herbilist shop and it's about £15. But your gonna be hungrier now anyway cos your using alot more energy.

Best things too eat are cheap really, like tuna, pasta, baked potatoes, baked beans, chicken and whole grain bread. I always take a big tub of homemade tuna pasta with me too work. It takes like 15 mins too make and it's dirt cheap. Just make sure you make it the night before, stick it in the tub and put it in the fridge. I also buy protein bars to eat through the day and before and after training but if moneys not spare then it's not essential.

But it's just about eating lots of the right food, some of my work colleagues just can't understand why I'm not fat as fuck lol Cos all I do is eat, but if your training your just feeding your muscles. Aslong as your not eating loads of crap the food you eat will be of benefit to you.
Re: I want to put on weight!

cheers mate. what do u mean i havent filled out yet.iS that normail.I think my hormones arnt as fast as most y age if u know what i mean. i have a really slim build. alot of younger kids are bigger than me abd it really gets me down. id like to start going tro the gym but want to get a bit fatter first.
could u write a time table of what u eat in a day or what i should eat. cheers.
also what protien bars would u reccomend
Re: I want to put on weight!

What I mean by filled out is most people reach a certain age and bulk up a bit. It's mainly cos a) were not as active and b) our metabolism slows down.

By the sounds of it your metabolism is fast so your gonna need to train to gain weight. Just find a mate to go with and just get started, the hardest part is going. After a couple of sessions you'll be fine, don't worry about lifting light weights. There's no shame in it, but if your really conscious just do what you can at home.

Like pressups for your chest, dips with a chair for your triceps and use the dumbells to do your biceps/legs/shoulders. But if your gonna do it at home you have to do it relgiously, it's so easy to be lazy if your training at home. More often than not if you miss one session you'll also skip the next and so on.

With regards on what to eat, well the protein bars i buy are called "protein + energy bars" by a company called multipower. I buy a box of 24 for £23 every week. But you could just buy a few every week for use beore and after training. They are very chewy mind, they give your jaw muscles a good workout lol.

But just try and have decent breakfast like cereal and some toast, take a big tub of tuna pasta to eat through the day. Or sometimes I take chicken fillets I've prepared the night before and just east them cold the next day, but that is more expensive. Then at night eat a jacket potato, I have a weird combo of tuna/cheese/beans on my baked potato lol. Or you can have fresh chicken with pasta or veg if you like it. I hate veg so I never have any but if you like em eat them.

Also drink alot of milk, I don't really like drinking milk on it's own so I use it with bodybuilding shakes and I also add my creatine to this. But it's just about keeping the right stuff in your body. Sometimes I'm not even hungry but I force myself to eat lol. But if you wanna have a takeaway like pizza or indian whatever have one, just not every night.

Then if you can afford it eat steak, I love steak and it is very good food to eat when training, lots of iron in :)
Re: I want to put on weight!

mattster12 said:
If your just starting you need to actually get your muscles used to training first. Just find a comfortable weight you can do 3 sets of 10 with and just do that for each exercise for a couple of weeks. But when I say comfortable I don't mean a piss easy weight, just something that is still challenging but not working you to failure and causing you too lose form.

Cos if you work to failure in your early session you'll be unable to train properly for a while cos your muscles will be aching that bad. So just build up your technique and get your muscles used to actually lifting and doing sets.

Then after 2-3 weeks start pushing yourself a bit more, try doing a heaver weight on your last set with only 8 reps. But whatevr you do always do a warm up set on each exercise, especially now were coming into the winter months it's vital. Just find a easy weight where you do 12-15 reps just to loosen them up a bit. Then while your training do lots of stretchs for the muscle your workin on. Cos you don't wanna pull a muscle before you even really started.

Thanks mate will do this. Currently have 8kg on my dumbell but can only have 1.
Re: I want to put on weight!

Well I usually just eat sirloin mate, but sometimes treat myself and get some nice fillet. :D
Re: I want to put on weight!

There;s some good stuff on here, but also some nonsense. If you're a hard gainer like me, then listen up. I weighed 135 pounds when i started lifting and a few years later, i was a ripped 190. (some was natural growth as i grew 2 inches as well).

The biggest mistake hard gainers and non-pros make is OVERTRAINING. the routines in the magazines that steroid-infested meatheads use is NOT the proper way to plan your workouts. Their bodies are used to the abuse of tearing down and rebuilding and they have testosterone levels that are several times over the natural levels of a Joe Shmoe like you. So here's the Bible of Beef according to me - its a summary of what i have learned in about 12 years of lifting and training:

(1) For MASS, stick to the basic exercises. You MUST learn to squat, deadlift, stiffleg deadlift, bench press, shoulder press (i prefer the clean and press as a starter. Also consider lunges and bent over rows. These are the most essential mass exercises and they will tax your body and force it to grow. After 3 years of lifting i included these in my workouts and ballooned. It was amazing. Some say these exercises actually have some direct tie in the production levels of Growth Hormone in your boyd. Whatever. . they work.

(2) Keep it simple. Other than calves and abs, hit each body part only once per week and for only a few sets. I switched to a High Intensity Training program as pimped by Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates (tailored to m'self), that had me perform only two sets per exercise, all out intensity. Each set is really a drop set where you will go to failure, cut the weight in half and hit it again to failure without a rest. That is ONE set. Then you do it again. So really it's like 4 sets. (make sure to do a warm up set).

(3) Protein. You cant build a hgouse without bricks. You cant build muscle without protein. Use a hyigh quality shake after lifting and as a snack in the middle of the day. I would advise against using Creatine. Long term effects have never been studied, never approved by any federal drug agencies, and bottom line, when you come off it, your body and workouts will suffer. I did it for 2 years so that's my experience.

(4) Sleep damn you! You only grow when you're at rest. Increase your sleeping hours by at least an hour.

(5)Go to and read the forums and articles on Hight Intensity Training to get more info.

(6) Train serious. Dont go to the gym to make friends. It got to the point where i dumped my gym budies cuz they wanted to joke around more than lift. The shizz is serious if you wanna be intense. I could get my workouts done in literally 30 minutes and leave with my drop sets and be on my way before i broke a sweat.(except on squat and deadlift days).

Anyway, keep it simple with power lifts as your foundation (get a trainer to show you the proper method or you'll be sorry!). Dont' overtrain, rest yourself and you'll see great results in two months. PEACE
Re: I want to put on weight!

Yeh good advice mate, but was you referring to things I said that were nonsense? You basically said most of the same things as me cos at the end of the day training is training, it's not complicated.

As for creatine I've used it for 4 and 1/2 years ever since I first started. I've never had one single problem, nor has anyone else I've ever met or heard of. I also take it with dextrose to enhance the effects.
Re: I want to put on weight!

As Dar said wait until you're older you'll want to get rid of it - rues the days when I was 21 and 10 and a bit stone...

To get fit you could try fist fucking squirrels - cardio work out chasing the wee buggers down and mass as they have very small ring peices = friction.

*chucks self out of topic...*
Re: I want to put on weight!

mattster12 said:
Yeh good advice mate, but was you referring to things I said that were nonsense? You basically said most of the same things as me cos at the end of the day training is training, it's not complicated.


No, bro. I meant the internet and discussion boards in general. Sorry for the confusion. You made sense.

And i would never question the wisdom of a man with your avatar! :mrgreen:
Re: I want to put on weight!

A few questions:

1. Which foods contain saturated fat?
2. Are hammer curls more useful for building bicep mass while regular curls are more for definition?
Saturated fats are like the fats you get from food that comes from animals, like the meat, cream and cheese and stuff.

Hammer curls are good for lengthing the Bicep, I use normal bicep curl to get a bigger peak. Then hammer curls to make the bicep longer ;)
Changed my diet quite a bit in the past 2 months

Chicken, tuna, the odd steak for protein.
Pasta (lazagne/spag bol), pilou rice for carbs.
Eating more fruit too and am trying to cut out chips (replacing them with rice as a side).
Still having why after workouts (3 days a week)

Any more foods you'd recommend for gaining mass?
NickSCFC said:
Changed my diet quite a bit in the past 2 months

Chicken, tuna, the odd steak for protein.
Pasta (lazagne/spag bol), pilou rice for carbs.
Eating more fruit too and am trying to cut out chips (replacing them with rice as a side).
Still having why after workouts (3 days a week)

Any more foods you'd recommend for gaining mass?

have u gained any weight nick?
About half a stone in 3 or 4 months. MOst likely not all muscle though. Even though I'm slim I'm cutting down on fats now and concentrating on protein.
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NickSCFC said:
Changed my diet quite a bit in the past 2 months

Chicken, tuna, the odd steak for protein.
Pasta (lazagne/spag bol), pilou rice for carbs.
Eating more fruit too and am trying to cut out chips (replacing them with rice as a side).
Still having why after workouts (3 days a week)

Any more foods you'd recommend for gaining mass?

Jacket potatoes mate, I eat alot of them. Put a tin of tuna and baked beans on it aswell.....mmmmmm :) Also eat some fresh pasta, it's cheap and just mix it with a sauce and just take it too work or school watever u do ;)
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OK saying that this is the official Health thread, check this out!:

Peter Jackson Before:

Peter Jackson After:

I couldn't even recognize him in the interview!

Just bought a tub of this this month instead of whey. A couple of guys working at the gym recommended it (they're body builders). At first I was sceptical, but it's alot cheaper than the whey I was using (I was actually going to buy a tub of whey) but I have to take it 3 times a day on workout days and 2 times every other day.
Probably a silly question but seeing as this is the "health" thread...

I keep getting chest pains around 9pm at night, on my right side of the chest (i.e. if you're looking at it through my eyes it's the right, if you're looking at it from in-front of me it's the left). I'm told that the heart is on the other side of the chest, and having a quick look on the net I can't find any organs or anything there (I'm sure it's not a muscle).

Any idea what it could be? :|
Chris, these are just muscles. You're sitting in the wrong position. Within time you'll start feeling it in your neck.
Chris Davies said:
Probably a silly question but seeing as this is the "health" thread...

I keep getting chest pains around 9pm at night, on my right side of the chest (i.e. if you're looking at it through my eyes it's the right, if you're looking at it from in-front of me it's the left). I'm told that the heart is on the other side of the chest, and having a quick look on the net I can't find any organs or anything there (I'm sure it's not a muscle).

Any idea what it could be? :|
I get that too, always don't the right and never down the left :S
Always *down* the right is that meant to say? Weird... I don't think it's the way I'm sitting, surely, it's a deeper pain than a cramp - I can almost feel it travelling down individual veins.

Thanks for the "you're not dead are you" PM by the way Nick, I see now that it was more out of concern that you had a rare killer virus than concern for my wellbeing :mrgreen:
So what are good foods to increase your weight and mass? I eat a lot of pasta but it doesnt really do much
NickSCFC said:

Just bought a tub of this this month instead of whey. A couple of guys working at the gym recommended it (they're body builders). At first I was sceptical, but it's alot cheaper than the whey I was using (I was actually going to buy a tub of whey) but I have to take it 3 times a day on workout days and 2 times every other day.

This stuff's giving me the shits :(
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