Let's create a complete WE9 guide in PDF!


Mediocentro defensivo
13 July 2004
Let's gather all our work about this game into a downloadable free PDF guide!

I visit some Spanish forums and winningeleven.com has just been hacked, so pretty much all their work has been lost. The greatest way to concentrate our efforts and gather all the knowledge that has been put here is to create a simple PDF guide with:

Winning Eleven FAQ: The hot questions that everybody is asking every now and then.

New features: New teams, players, skills and game modes. With pictures.

Complete translation: Pictures of the translated menus, a link to the translation patches and simple instrutions on how to apply them.

Editing 101: In-game editor complete guide. Player names, transfers, kit editing, sponsor&badge templates...

Credits: Very important! ;)

And pretty much whatever we come up with that seems of interest.

Anyone wants to join this idea?
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