Marca : disease of Zidane...


Retired Footballer
15 March 2003
name : disease talasomia minor

in French :
La maladie de Zidane agite Madrid

Le quotidien madrilène Marca et le Real Madrid vont peut-être devoir s'expliquer devant les tribunaux au sujet... d'une maladie génétique dont Zinédine Zidane a admis l'existence dans son patrimoine génétique, la thalassémie. Le Français a reconnu, le 2 avril dernier dans les colonnes de L'Equipe magazine, qu'il souffrait, comme deux de ses fils et son frère, de cette maladie qui affecte la production de globules rouges.

Trois semaines plus tard (!), mercredi 27 avril, Marca en a fait une "une" tapageuse. «Nous avons découvert le mal de Zidane», indiquait le quotidien sportif, qui développait : «Après plusieurs semaines d'examens médicaux, une thalassémie bénigne, une caractéristique génétique qui affecte sa résistance physique, a été diagnostiquée». En page 2, le quotidien titrait «Maintenant Zidane sait pourquoi il se fatigue».

Le club des Galactiques a très mal pris ces pseudo-révélations. «Le Real Madrid regrette et rejette totalement ces fausses informations (...) et a sollicité ses services juridiques pour qu'ils lancent les actions légales opportunes pour préserver la vérité ainsi que la dignité et l'intimité du joueur, indique un communiqué officiel. Le Real Madrid tient à dire clairement qu'il est matériellement impossible que le club et ses services médicaux n'aient découvert que maintenant quelque chose de congénital qui aurait été connu depuis l'arrivée du joueur (en 2001). Le joueur n'est donc atteint d'aucune maladie et se trouve en parfaite condition physique pour le sport de haut niveau», ajoute le club madrilène.

A la lecture du discours madrilène, il apparait que c'est le terme "maladie" - pourtant employé par l'intéressé et les dictionnaures - qui lui semble le plus suspect. «En aucun cas nous ne pouvons parler de maladie quand nous parlons de la thalassémie bénigne. C'est une altération de la synthèse de l'hémoglobine, c'est-à-dire que cela peut être comparé à un défaut de naissance comme les pieds plats par exemple», explique l'un des médecins du Real, le docteur Gonzalez, sur le site du club.

Cette tempête dans un verre d'eau doit laisser Zidane bien perplexe. L'ancien meneur des Bleus n'avait laissé plané aucune ambiguïté sur sa situation médicale. Il avait déclaré à L'Equipe magazine, au début du mois : «Oui (l'information est exacte). (Avec cette maladie), on est juste plus fatigué que les autres. Tout le temps. On a toujours cette sensation d'être fatigué, cette envie de dormir, de se reposer. (...) Cette maladie joue beaucoup (dans mes creux de forme). Noredine mon frère, c'est pareil, il est toujours fatigué. » A la fin de sa carrière, le tennisman Pete Sampras, américain d'origine grecque, a reconnu qu'il souffrait de cette maladie touchant principalement les populations du pourtour méditerranéen.

Spanish Marca cover :

Sorry i see nothing in english, please post link in english here
Knowing where Zidane comes from...i'm not quite sure that his parents ever had the time, the money and the need to find ou that they were carriers...(no disrespect to Zidane and family).
Zidane is of Algerian descent and was raised (and born???) in an HLM (i think in Brittain it is known as council housing)in Marseille...Most habitants of HLM's are underprivileged and that is even more true for those people who are of Algerian descent (no disrespect meant to people of Algerian descent, it simply is a fact).
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gerd said:
Zidane is of Algerian descent and was raised (and born???) in an HLM (i think in Brittain it is known as council housing)in Marseille...
Yes, he born in Marseille too.
So did he just get diagnosed? Will it affect his career? :(
ghazi said:
So did he just get diagnosed? Will it affect his career? :(
Not, Real Madrid contradicted that news and I believes also Zinedine Zidane.
I try a translate with Altavista :

The disease of Zidane agitates Madrid

The daily newspaper Marca inhabitant of Madrid and Real Madrid perhaps will have to be explained in front of the courts on the subject... of a genetic disease whose Zinédine Zidane admitted the existence in its genetic inheritance, thalassaemia. The French recognized, last 2 April in the columns of the magazine Team, which it suffered, like two of its sons and his/her brother, of this disease which affects the production of red globules.

Three weeks later (!), Wednesday April 27, Marca made "" noisy. "We discovered the evil of Zidane", indicated the sporting daily newspaper, which developed: "After several weeks of medical examinations, a benign thalassaemia, a genetic characteristic which affects its physical resistance, was diagnosed". On page 2, the daily newspaper Now titrated "Zidane knows why it is tired".

The club of Galactic very badly took these pseudo-revelations. "Real Madrid regrets and rejects completely this false information (...) and requested its legal services so that they launch the convenient legal actions to preserve the truth as well as the dignity and the intimacy of the player, indicates an official official statement. Real Madrid makes a point of saying clearly that it is materially impossible that the club and its medical departments discovered only now something of congenital which would have been known since the arrival of the player (in 2001). The player is thus reached of no disease and is in perfect physical condition for the high level sport ", adds the club inhabitant of Madrid.

With the reading of the speech inhabitant of Madrid, it appears that it is the term "disease" - however employed by the interested party and the dictionnaures - which seems to him most suspect. "To in no case we cannot speak about disease when we speak about benign thalassaemia. It is a deterioration of the synthesis of haemoglobin, i.e. that can be compared with a defect of birth like the flat feet for example ", explains one of the doctors of Real, Doctor Gonzalez, on the site of the club.

This storm in water glass must leave quite perplexed Zidane. The former leader of Blue had not left planed any ambiguity on his medical situation. He had declared with the magazine Team, at the beginning of the month: "Yes (information is exact). (With this disease), one is tired just more than the others. All the time. There is always this feeling to be tired, this desire for sleeping, for resting (...) This disease plays much (in my hollows of form). Noredine my brother, it is similar, it is always tired "A the end of its career, the tennis player Pete Sampras, American of Greek origin, recognized that it suffered from this disease touching mainly the populations of the Mediterranean circumference.
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