The Books Thread

Halfway through the second book, found it a lot more difficult to get into and it's so slow but you said the second half picks up so fingers crossed.

I'm finding the Daenarys chapters to be completely boring now too, it feels like nothing happens.

Going to read some other books after this one and do Book 3 in a few months.
Yes, I know, as I told you, the first half of the 2nd book is probably the slowest of all, and in a certain point everything seems to drag a little (I'm sure that's where you are). Everyone feels the same, mainly because the 1st book is just perfect in pace.

But the 2nd half gets much much better and by the end it's all again great. And well, to me the 3rd book is the best of them all, so it doesn't matter when you pick it up, it will stun you for sure!
I'm just up to where

Joffrey and the other Lannisters have just been attacked by the common people as they saw the niece off on the ship and rode back to the castle. Pretty exciting stuff there and it feels like it's going to pick up from here.

But DAMN, Daenerys needs to do SOMETHING because her chapters are just dire so far :(
It definitely picks up from there and Daenerys chapters change a little from now on. I had the same feelings with those chapters in the middle of the book, but once you get through them, things go on faster.

Hope you enjoy it!

By the way, now that you finished the first book, you could watch some of the trailers of the oncoming TV series, at:

Don't read anything written by users, though, there could be spoilers everywhere.
ARGH! The bloody book has made me angry again!

80% in and

Bran and Rickon were killed?! Where were the wolves?! Why kill kids?! :CURSE:

It's not a bad finish to the book, second half is definitely better but it's still not felt as good as the first book was. Maybe because the first book was fresh and the characters were developing whereas now we're used to the characters, the style of the story and the kinds of shocks to expect.

Edit: Just finished the chapter :LMAO: :FAIL: by me :)
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He he he... The last 20% of the book gets great again, don't worry. And the 3rd one is a beast. You will get angry and euphoric like in a rollercoaster from now on...

I think the 2nd book is a very good one. Only thing is that the first was so absolutely amazing, that it overshadows a little the 2nd. But really, wait to finish the third and you'll be pretty astonished.
The Art Of Racing In The Rain - 10/10


Incredible book that I read in just over 24 hours, an extremely rare thing for me, but I couldn't put the book down. The story is told so well, with such charisma and charm, that it kept me wanting more and more. And what is also rare is that the book had me caught up emotionally, even getting close to tears at times. An absolute gem of a book.
I dont' know if it's my type of book right now (I don't like dogs too much, though I know it's not a must), but I know the perfect person (a close friend) I could buy it to as a gift so I can borrow it from her later on to read it!
One Day - 5 stars

Very good book that just got better with each chapter. The characters are very interesting and you get attached to them more as time goes on. Also I found that I could relate to a lot of what they went through. Highly recommended.

The movie is due to out around August/September, the trailer was released a few days ago and I can't wait to see it. From the trailer it looks like your typical romcom but I'm hoping it does the book justice as the characters and humour were done so well.

Currently reading "Killing Floor" by Lee Child, 30% in and it's pretty good. I heard the character is very similar to Jack Bauer (and the character is even named Jack) and there's definitely similarities.
60% into "A Storm Of Swords" ...



WTF?! Did NOT expect that to happen to Robb and Catelyn at ALL! Wow! Was getting ready to go to sleep, read that part and stayed up for another hour to read what happened again and again, just to make sure I read it right!

Bloody hell.
Yeah that one catches you off guard doesn't it. :)
Not sure that's a spoiler in itself but still...

I've made it to A Feast For Crows now and the fifth one is out now too.
60% into "A Storm Of Swords" ...



WTF?! Did NOT expect that to happen to Robb and Catelyn at ALL! Wow! Was getting ready to go to sleep, read that part and stayed up for another hour to read what happened again and again, just to make sure I read it right!

Bloody hell.

Well, i told you the third book is bloody epic. And wait until you finnish it. Most of the memorable scenes will rest in your memory for years...

i just love how suddenly you get into jaime lannister and george rr martin turns him into one of the most attractive characters in only some chapters. It's so well written... I read the third book in a week. I recall reading THAT scene and feeling so void and fustrated. You ask yourself if there are reasons to go on... Then you read the next chapter, and another one... And suddenly you're sucked in. If the third book gets a tv season it will be absolutely epic.

The 4th book is a bit odd, but its build up mostly and surely the weakest of all, though its very good on its own, but coming fromthe third it's just hard to find it as brilliant. I am now reading the 5th that was just released. going slow because it's in english, but so far is brilliant.
Antonio Pennacchi: Canale Mussolini 9/10

The early twentieth century history of Italy as seen through the eyes of one family. This book is comparable to Bertolucci's Novecento. Great book.

Miquel Bulnes: "the blood in our veins" (Het bloed in onze aderen, this is a book written in Dutch). 8,5/10
Early twentieth century Spanish history and thriller in one book. But this is much, much more than a thriller.
Finished "A Storm Of Swords" finally, and it definitely got better as it went on. Some good finishes to the book with some interesting twists and turns along the way.

Next book is going to be "Carte Blance", the new James Bond book. After that it's either "Catch 22", "Warm Bodies" or "World War Z" I reckon.

And even then, just on my Kindle alone, I've still got:

Norweigian Wood
Homicide: A Year On The Killing Streets
Child 44
American Gods
The Name Of The Wind
The Bourne Identity

So much to read, so little time!
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Wow, that's a pretty long list!

American Gods will also have a TV mini-series done by HBO, and the pilot is being produced right now if I'm not mistaken. I liked the book but wasn't that sucked in. Maybe because most of the things Gaiman does there were also done in similar ways before in the Sandman comics.

My wife didn't think too much of The name of the wind, but that's because she was reading Game of thrones at the time and the comparison seems to be unfair.

I'm right now reading Dance with dragons, the 5th of the GoT series, in English, and it's going sloooow. Too much new voccabulary for me, but a great way to learn English. Now I'm a fan of the word "briskly".

I have to say that the Spanish translation was very good, but I can see already in the 200 pages I've read that I like it more in English. The way in which George writes seems to be a little more succint.

About "A storm of swords"...
I like how he kills at least 6 of the main characters in the story without any remorse. No one is safe, and some of the kids have become great characters. I like how Arya is turning into a natural born killer, and she seems not to have any kind of remorse for it. The way she recovers her needle and totally eviscerate that guy before departing form the dog was savage.

I like details like having rob's wolf head sewed to his body. And the zombie-catelyn at the end. Her face marked by her nails, her throat slitted, and looking for brutal revenge.

The images in the third book are very powerful, I really hope they can make it to TV and get treated as they deserve.
The bad thing is the 4th book, while a good book in itself, it's way slower and builds up things after the crazyness of the third. And things only start to really get tense again towards the very end.
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Dags, Catch 22 is the funniest book i've ever read...hilarious. I' ve read 20 years ago and i remember reading it on the train from work and starting to laugh hilarious...everybody on the train looked as if i was mad (i know, i know...)
I should really give '22 another go, tried it years ago and got bored after a couple of chapters.
I enjoyed American Gods, liked the concept.
Currently reading Iain M Banks' 'Surface Detail' and then on to 'Dance with Dragons'.
Mmm, is it thick or thin? I'm going far away on holidays and want 3 or 4 thin books to read on the planes. This "Catch 22" sounds promising. It's too tough to read in English for foreigners? Any quick syonpsis Gerd?

Usually I read history essay books and not much fiction. If any of you is specially interested...
The best book about the Crusades I've read.

And just finished this one about the Cathars:
Catch 22 is an anti-war book. It's about pilots on an island in the mediterranean see during WWII. The pilots are fed up with the war and don't want to fly.

They don't have to fly if they can prove that they are mad, but if you can proof that you are mad, you are very sane and thus not mad...the book evolves around this paradox (Catch 22).

In the nineties Heller wrote a sequel, i have bought it, but somehow never got around reading it. It can never be better. But one day i will reread Catch 22 and then try the sequel.

To me Catch 222 is one of the best books i've ever read.

PS: drekkard, i'm also very interested in the Crusades. i've a couple of books about them that i still have to read.
I have however read a book about the Crusades by French-Lebanese writer Amin Malouf. He wrote a small history of the Crusades from the viewpoint of the Arabs...great book. Since i've read all his books, he is a great writer. You should try Samarkande (i've read it in French, he writes in French). This book is about the poët Ommar Kayan in the eleventh cenury Persia. It's also about the man who founded "the Assasins" (like in Assasins Creed, the video game).
Catch 22 is an anti-war book. It's about pilots on an island in the mediterranean see during WWII. The pilots are fed up with the war and don't want to fly.

To me Catch 222 is one of the best books i've ever read.

PS: drekkard, i'm also very interested in the Crusades. i've a couple of books about them that i still have to read.
I have however read a book about the Crusades by French-Lebanese writer Amin Malouf. He wrote a small history of the Crusades from the viewpoint of the Arabs...great book.

You all convinced me then, I'm going to buy "Catch 22" in English for my holidays trip! Hope I don't miss too many jokes because of the language, though.

About Malouf, I've read that book. It's the other side of the coin of the crusades and very interesting to read. I haven't read any of the other books by him, only this one.
I've read the first chapter and i enjoyed it. Seems a very good read.
I wish her (and you) much success with the book, may it be the first of a long series...
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