The Dreams Thread


I used to watch telly with one arm behind my back, every time there was an ad-break my hand would move involuntarily and when it touched my shoulder I shat myself. Like a hand was coming through the wall to give me a tap on the shoulder or something. Jesus Christ I'm thick.
I go through fases of dreaming the same thing / theme. At the moment its eating/drinking something that then gets stuck in your mouth, like some sort of glue that getting hard. In the dream im then spitting it out, pulling it out of my mouth but there is always so much in there that it never clears, at which point I usually wake up with a really dry mouth. Horrible it is!
I go through fases of dreaming the same thing / theme. At the moment its eating/drinking something that then gets stuck in your mouth, like some sort of glue that getting hard. In the dream im then spitting it out, pulling it out of my mouth but there is always so much in there that it never clears, at which point I usually wake up with a really dry mouth. Horrible it is!

Thats not a dream. ;)
Re: The "things I dream about" thread

I keep having hurrendous dreams where I keep dying whilst driving a car.... :(
Had one last week. After the accident I found myself floating over the destroyed car. Once I realized what happened, I woke up frightened.

I've been at this new place for five years and whenever I dream of being in a house, it's always the old house.
Anyway, even if it's not the same thing, dreaming of being in a house that's not mine happens also to me. I've had this dream a couple of times at least: I'm in a friend of mine's house, and no matter what I do, I just can't get out of it. I know exactly there are threee ways to get out, but every of them brings me into the house again. Really annoying.
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Re: The "things I dream about" thread

Sorry to revive an old topic but check this out...

From a few weeks ago:
Its not a dream - but I keep sleeping on my arm and I wake up in a panic and I can't move it. I just wave it around like a mad man thinking it is never going to work again!!


I think I panic so much because I read a story of a man who died because his girlfriend fell asleep on his arm and he woke up and had a fit and died. Because he got a clot in his arm from it!!

From almost exactly two years ago (from The Old Dreams Thread):
The thing I hate - going a tiny bit off topic - is when you fall asleep on your arm! then I wake up in a panic, because I am half asleep, and my arm is completely dead and floppy!


I think it was because I read a story in a newspaper that a man died after his girlfriend fell asleep on his leg - this stopped the blood, and he got a blood clot and died in his sleep!

This incident has really left a mark on you hasn't it Bobby?? :lol:

There's some cracking dreams of mine in that old dreams thread, I'm going to have to start a new dream diary I think.
You have far too much time on your hands Jack! Yes, please do start a new dreams diary :)). You are like a walking anecdote, I love it!

(Notice I said it there, not you. I don't love you, I love it. It being the fact you have so many stories and tell them all so well. So just to clarify, I do not love JB.)
Well in that case... Here's last night's entry.

I dreamt about drumming on Rock Band all night. Every time I rolled over in bed I did a drum-roll from the first drum to the last drum. When I woke up this morning the covers were so tight around me I thought I was paralyzed at first.

I could actually hear the drums in my head though, every five minutes I kept thinking "oh God, time for my solo now", and I'd roll over.

Not very funny but there you go.
My sister told me a funny one yesterday.

She was staying at her mates house over the weekend. When they got up in the morning, her mate said she'd had a weird dream about skiing. Basically she was on a mountain but as she was going down it, it turned into her house and she was skiing round indoors through each room. She was trying to get out to tell someone to get rid of all the snow from inside or something and that's all she could remember.

Anyway, she had sticky feet when she woke up and didn't know why and then when she went to the bathroom and there was 2 bars of soap on the floor with a trail of soapy skid marks all round the bathroom.

Crazy bitch.
This is really bad but you said you wanted to know Tim.

Last night I dreamt that I was on a quiz show and my
was the buzzer. They were asking stupid questions like "how much is Army Of Two" and "what is your girlfriend's name". As they got easier I kept getting out-buzzed by this old woman next to me, and in the end I tried a bit too hard and thwacked myself in the
so hard that I woke up in pain.
Sorry Jack, but that's one of the funniest posts I've read in a while
Re: The "things I dream about" thread

Sorry to revive an old topic but check this out...

From a few weeks ago:

From almost exactly two years ago (from The Old Dreams Thread):

This incident has really left a mark on you hasn't it Bobby?? :lol:

There's some cracking dreams of mine in that old dreams thread, I'm going to have to start a new dream diary I think.


I thought I had told that story before - Thats mad.

Very funny.

I am actually really frightened by it.

Edit: I wonder if it was the Arm or leg?!! I will probably change it to penis in two years time - when i forget I have told you all again ;))
Re: The "things I dream about" thread

I'm in a friend of mine's house, and no matter what I do, I just can't get out of it.
Once again, but this time I finally got out of the house.. The bad thing is that it's not over yet. I managed to get in the car that was parked in the garage of the house and to get away from the house. Strange thing, it was not my friend's garage but it was mine. And going out of it with the car didn't bring me either outside my friend's garage or in front of mine, but I found myself outside the garage of one of the main customers of the little company I work for.
And trying to escape from there with the car, I also managed to get a 600€ fine for speeding and for not stopping with a red traffic light, with the policeman saying me something weird about them policemen knowing everything.

Does this have any sense?
Last night I dreamt that I was at like a hotel, where there was a rock gig on, and with me was Jumbo and his missus, and Nick Cave and his missus! :LOL:
:LOL: What gig was it?

I had a dream that I'd found out about a paedophile ring that was running all across britain and they were based in this student house and hiding stuff in there and I was going round it kicking the shit out of the people involved. :CONFUSE: Then there was another bit where I was with all people from my school but I cant remember what happened.

I used to have a recurring dream when I was young where I would be walking down a street, I'd be talking to someone and then suddenly everything would stop dead. Almost as if someone had paused the world.

But I'd still be conscious. Then I'd start to wonder if the guy I was talking to and had eye contact with was the same, and if he was looking back at me conscious of the pause as well. Then I'd start to freak out a little in my head thinking that I was now trapped in this state for eternity and then I'd wake up feeling ill and would inevitably be ill the next day.

I only ever had the dream when I was ill the next day, I've never had it and then woke up and been okay the next day. It was also always the same street (it looked similar to the street in Groundhog Day where Bill Murry catches the kid who falls out of the tree) and it was always the same person (I've no idea who the man was).
I dunno what gig it was Jumbo, we were mainly in the hotel I think from what I can remember.
oooooh, DREAMS !
one of my favourite topics.
am a highly active dreamer.
I never ever have a dreamless sleep.
in fact, when I watched the movie Inception, I got even more obsessed with dreams, in a way that I finally could control my own dream, well, not 100%. But I remember me saying to whoever in my dream : "look, we're in a dream right now, now you'll see this thing, now that person will appear, now we will be in that place" and it all happened.

before Inception, I've never controlled a dream, but I was only able sometimes (rarely) to realize that I'm in a dream.

but after Inception (2010) till now, I controlled my dreams maybe 4 or 5 times, and I was able to be conscious of the fact that I'm dreaming, maybe countless times.

maybe you'll find this weird, but I really wish that all my dreams are recorded and I could watch them :D
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