The Gamertags Thread [PSN/XBLive]

Re: PSN tags thread

Good idea.


Will only be playing Rock Band Everybody's Golf World Tour and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, everything else I'll be playing on the Xbox 360. But both games are/will be fantastic online so I'm happy. :D
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Re: PSN tags thread

I'll be playing GT5 Prologue as well, cheers for reminding me to update that Grim.
Re: PSN tags thread

My PSN name is StoneColdSwede.

You probably don't know me that well though, so you'll probably stay away from me like the plague!

And as of right now, I only have GTA. Looking to get Everybody's Golf soonish.
Re: XBox 360 GamerCards

Gamertag: Firestonebeer1

I play on semi and manual, so anyone who like to play with those settings, feel free come play. I am in the US, westcoast, so I am on different times the rest, if you in the UK and up late, you might see me.
Re: XBox 360 GamerCards

gamertag: irt3hown

only had the game ten days, but im not a complete nub. Only play semi/manual though so add me if you want some realistic matches :]
Re: XBox 360 GamerCards

Gamertag: GoonerSoldier

Add me if you want to play with various leagues. Id rather play with 3 star teams. Also invite me to a game when im not in one. Peace Out
Re: XBox 360 GamerCards

I only got an xbox for FIFA 09! Please add me if you play semi/manual.

XBOX360 Gamertag: irt3hown
Re: PSN tags thread

FutureDaddyICE.. Add me if u want a full manual game in fifa. ;)

icyice in all games ;)

All this mention of ice is making me feel cold... (turns radiator up another notch)

On a serious note.. why is this thread called 'PSN tags thread'? A tag is such an ugly word more suited to the ugliness of a 360 ;). Us posh folk have PSN IDs...don't you know.

EDIT: I do own an Xbox too :COAT:
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