The Wire - Greatest TV Drama Ever??

For mecdefinitely the Wire.

Other shows i really love: Friday Night Lights (series about sports and the suburban version of the Wire), Ga'me of Thrones, Borgen.
I have some free time so will see what Breaking Bad ranks for me.

Well, Breaking Bad has recently gone into the Guiness Book of Records as the highest rated T.V. Show of all-time. It garnered a massive Metacritic Score of 99 out of 100.

I personally believe that score to be a tad low ........
To me Breaking bad is quite inferior to the top HBO works. Secondary characters are very shallow, the plot drags on and on for the first 2 seasons without going anywhere or just opting for style over substance and lacks the exquisite details of the HBO works, everything is less subtle.

The Wire and The Sopranos (and Deadwood) were full of those subtelties and character building, and were continually putting the spectator in moral crossroads and did a great job of showing society through its characters. I didnn't feel this complexity at all in Breaking bad, so that's why I ceased to watch it in the 3rd season.

It can be a good show with some good punches here and there and the starting point is very original and brave. It was the development that didn't suit me.
Breaking Bad is better than The Wire for me, although your other two Sopranos and Deadwood, it doesn't beat those two for me, as like The Shield too that I loved.

So many great shows though, I'm in a daze at the moment trying to put my shows into some sort of viewing order. I've got Boardwalk Empire, The Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy, Homeland and I also want to start on the season of Falling Skies which started back. Although granted I don't think Homeland and Falling Skies are up there with the best I'll probably leave them to I've finished with the first 3. Not sure why but I love watching Boardwalk Empire up to Xmas, so might start on The Walking Dead first I think.

Why not just watch the movie of Friday Night Lights? Quicker. :D

Might try a few episodes of Treme, however are you looking at Bunkum or whatever he was called and the other guy from The Wire and getting biased............... hehe!!!

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