Van Persie Arrested Over Rape Allegation...


Retired Footballer
6 May 2003
Charlton Athletic FC
BBC Sport said:
Arsenal star Robin van Persie has been arrested in Holland on suspicion of rape, the Dutch authorities have said.

The 21-year-old striker was held on Monday following the alleged assault in the city of Rotterdam over the weekend.

The Public Prosecutors Office of Reijnmond told BBC News police can hold the footballer for three days before charging or releasing him.

Van Persie moved to the north London club from Dutch side Feyenoord for £2.75m last summer.

Arsenal Football Club said it had no comment to make at the moment.

International debut

A spokeswoman for the prosecutors office said: "Robin van Persie was arrested on Monday suspected of [a] rape incident that took place at the weekend.

"We cannot reveal any details of what happened as the Dutch legal system is different to that in England.

"He is in police custody and can be held for three days before the police have to charge him or let him go."

Last season Van Persie made his senior international debut for Holland and scored 10 goals for Arsenal as they went on to win the FA Cup and finish runners-up in the Premiership.

At the weekend he stressed his desire to stay at Arsenal long-term and to learn from fellow Dutchman Dennis Bergkamp.

"I can see myself staying at Arsenal for many years," he said.

"My contract has three years to run and, of course, we will have to see about it.

"I can learn a lot from Dennis and it is great he has signed a new contract."
I really do hate the way these cases are treated sometimes. If a woman raped a man everyone would laugh. But they have to expose the man straight away before they even have any real proof, then no matter if they get found innocent they have to live with the sahme for god knows how long. This is probably just anither stupid bith trying to make a name for herself, silly cow. But if they just did the investiagting first then if he was guilty hang the bastard. Now whatever happens he'll be called a rapist, women are sick sometimes. I know cos a girl i wouldn't go out with tryed to say I'd raped her......she fucking wishes!!
Finnan Arrested in Driving Death Case

bloody footballers, some of them just think they're above the law... honest they should be just treated the same way as other human beings; not as some sort of superhuman because they get payed to play sports

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