What does this bar mean?



Hi There,

I feel like an idiot, but i couldn't figure this out myself, so here i ask.
While playing, there are two boxes in the bottom of the screen, one for each team. I am reffering to the boxes that hold the active player's name.
Underneath the name, there is a colored bar that has 5 possible positions and colors. This bar is constantly changing during the game.

Well... What is this bar for?
I looked all over for an answer but with no luck.

It represents the attacking attitude of the team. Eg: Blue means all out defense while red means all out attack.
so i guess MU shouldnt sell Djemba-djemba.............HAHAHA
I don't see any links with the first post though...

just a necrophilic I guess...
it's my shame that my post unable to bring some little smile at your cheeck...
I dont mean to flame anyone...
I apologize if my post offense you by any mean
But what i post is just a joke, and i hope it don't hurt anybody's feeling
Im soli that fail to aware this forum cant take some joke and i promise i wont do this again, thx you

To Obzi:what does bear mean?
To Pakigol:Im sorry that i make this irelevant post (again) really sorry.
It means how powerfull u want the player to strike the ball on free kicks etc.
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