What FIFA controls are people using?



As topic, which settings are you guys using? For online mostly. And what setting have you got player-switching at?

I'm trying to stick with manual even for online but it's hard playing people who are on assisted.
Yeah I wanna know what control settings to use that makes it the same controls as PES games? This was possible in Fifa 07 so i assume the same applies to Fifa 08? Is there any way to change the controls so I can use the d-pad for player movement instead of the analogues?
No you cant change it to use the DPad

New is PES buttons but RT is run and LB is switch

New Alt is PES buttons but RT is run and LT is switch
People tell me the New control method is the best once you get used to it, because you've got one trigger for slow movement and one for fast movement, apparently it's great. But I have to have LT as switch, I just can't get used to it being LB...
New Control uses LT to switch too Jack

Using S,M,M,M,M and 1 on switching at the moment
I use the default controls, with Passing and Shooting assisted, crossing semi, though balls and long balls on manual
Well, I've tried lots of combinations, but lately I've been playing with passing and shooting on semi-assisted and the rest on manual. Regarding the player-switching setting, I'm using it on 1.

I'm playing like shit though.
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