PC British chants sounding Italian?


22 October 2002
Tottenham Hotspur
Is it just me, or does the British chants in the game sound Italian and not British at all? Or is it because I have installed a patch that possibly fucked it up (PESEdit 1.0)? Because the British chants are all over the place, sounding nothing like the real thing, and they come in at weird times during gameplay too, often resulting in there being no actual response from the crowd to what is going on in the game, which ruins the atmosphere quite a lot.

Is there maybe something wrong with my soundcard (I really don't think so, as all the other sounds in the game is spot on), are the British chants just crap, or does the PESEdit patch alter them somehow? Anyone else noticed this or had this problem?
Download Tomssen soundpatch for PESEDIT 1.0,and the relinked option file that Becks90 posts in that same thread.
That should improve the Atmos.
I think the problem is really that the chants really drown the rest of the stadium noise, because it's too loud, so it kind of blocks off the crowd response to what is going on. Does anyone else notice this? I can barely hear the crowd go "oooh" after a missed opportunity or even celebrate a goal - which really sucks. Anyone got a clue what might cause this?
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