The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

Nothing like a bit of blackmail to keep a relationship healthy, I will marry you if you buy me an ipad....very romantic ;))
Is anyone else having problems viewing movie trailers on the Apple site?

Whenever I click on a link nothing happens.
Is it possible to recover songs from an iPod Classic that's Mac formatted onto a Windows PC/Laptop?

If you google it you can pay for software. I was in the same position. But I just copied the songs folder on the mac over to the PC. But that doesn't help you if you only have the Ipod :DD
I'll have a look at that Mart cheers.

Should be okay if you can do it from tags, I was obsessive over my iTunes library, 88GB of perfectly formatted music with the correct info/artwork/etc.
It was going to be a company iPhone but I already have a smartphone, so it was a bit pointless. An iPad works out cheaper as there won't be a contract to pay (I'll be tethering).
Where are you located? In the US we can only choose from the AT&T or verizon model, and only the verizon model allows tethering.
Been using the Messages beta on my MacBook tonight, seems to work pretty well. All messages have updated on my iPhone too so that's pretty cool.
I've reserved 2 x iPad 32gb today. A black one from Cardiff Bay but we fancied a white one and managed to get the last one in another store.

What is it like watching movies in darker conditions with a white surround? Heard different feedback on this. Anybody with a 2 (or new one) with white surround that can answer this?
I also wondered the same, I have ordered a new iPad in white which should be delivered today so I'll let you know!
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