FIFA 09 PS3/360 Discussion Thread

Well I'm not up to the point in my season where I'm meeting teams for the second time (nor have I played any Prem teams in cups), but each time I meet one of the Championship teams I edited (Wolves and Reading being the first two), it shows the name of their edited formation on the pre match screen where it lists their 3 best/worst players, on the left side where it shows the formation underneath it says "Custom 18 442" or whatever, and you can see the CBs are pulled right back to the keeper in the 2d drawing. Plus in the match screens you can see the same thing.

I haven't followed this discussion, but it sounds interesting. Why are you pulling the CB's back? Are you doing this with the top teams aswell (Man Utd, Chelsea etc)? Is it to make the game harder?
I'm doing it because Fifa09 has waaaaaaaaaay too many 1v1s, it's quite rare for top class defensive lines to be caught so high up out of position that your forward has a 20 yard run on the goalkeeper, usually it only really happens because you're playing a weak, naive team or because it's the last 10 mins and your opponent is attacking all out to get back into the match. But in Fifa09 against the AI you tend to get at least 5 or 6 clear 1v1's in a 2x10 match.

You have to use 1 custom formation slot for every team you edit, as you only have 30? Custom formation slots you're limited in how many teams you can edit, so I did all Premiership teams + 6 of the best Championship teams (+ Sheff Utd so the derby is harder). I play manager mode as Sheffield Wednesday so my primary opponents will be Championship and Premiership sides.
I think that the Defensive Pressure setting in Custom Tactics has an impact on the 'height' of the defensive line. If you reduced that for the CPU teams I'd imagine there'll be less space in behind to run into.
Xbox 360 version mate.

I see. What stadium is that on the pic, Old Trafford at nightime?

Must be my TV color settings but the grass looks very nice and crisp on that 360 pic compared to mine.

We should catch a game or two online tonight mate. I'll be on between 7pm and 9pm Eastern time. Gamertag Flores06.
I think that the Defensive Pressure setting in Custom Tactics has an impact on the 'height' of the defensive line. If you reduced that for the CPU teams I'd imagine there'll be less space in behind to run into.

Possibly, but that also affects their tactical mentality as a whole which I wanted avoid doing as that's the kind of stuff that makes one team play a little differently from another team.

I've played 3 teams I edited now and one thing I found very interesting is that they seem to attack much more aggressively now and in higher numbers than before, obviously it's early days after only 3 matches against edited teams but it's possible that somehow pulling back their 2 CB's gave them some extra "attacking security" or something like that, obviously we need more people to test it over more games but I certainly have struggled far more against the 3 edited teams than against the unedited teams I've played so far.
Guys, you probably said this before but i cant find the answer. Is there any possibility to update offline squads ? Because it seems that the update is only valid at the online.
Do I have to pay the Adidas Season for each season that i want to be with squads up to date ?

Hey Placebo, is moving the CB's all the way back really a solution for 1 on 1's? I usually play online and make backward runs with my defenders to intercept the through balls or prevent the strikers from catching the 1 on 1 chances, so it's not a Huuge problem for me, but it's always nice to know alternatives.

By the way. I've been playing for the past 2 weeks to improve -15 record. It was 5 wins to 20 losses. And finally yesterday I went into the positives with 45 wins and 44 losses. And guess what? My roommate decided to play FIFA online when he can't even use a gamepad correctly (He uses the left thumbstick by pinching it with his thumb and index finger). He lost 17 games in a row and won only once...He would just keep replaying guys that beat him 4-0, 3-1, etc games that he wasn't even close to winning. And he was commending the opponents for being fair and modest by skipping the goals replays and accepting his rematches. He said what matters is that the 2 opponents respect each other. He was thinking about adding them to the friend lists and sending them messages. I just told him maybe they were doing that because they knew you were slim pickings and they were improving their ranks with relative ease. And he said "Well look at the bright side, at least I'm making somebody happy."
Hey Placebo, is moving the CB's all the way back really a solution for 1 on 1's? I usually play online and make backward runs with my defenders to intercept the through balls or prevent the strikers from catching the 1 on 1 chances, so it's not a Huuge problem for me, but it's always nice to know alternatives.

Well it's not a "final solution to the 1v1 question" but it's a big improvement, of course I only play manager mode so haven't tested any impact online.
I get caught out 1v1 less (you still need to be sensible with attacking mentality as the AI pushes or not, I usually play defensive or normal but watch how far they push up).
I find it especially irritating when playing teams like Man United online, and Scholes does some super pass with his outside and it ends up 1v1 with Ronaldo and the keeper. I get my fair few 1-1's as well, but I try to build my plays up through crossing and one-twos. But when people use teams like United, Barcelona and Spain all they have to do is send a through ball.
Yep that's what ruins the game. The best way is to chose your defenders and make them run backwards 2-3 steps behind their outmost player and trying to maintain this distance. If you want to apply pressure do it using the pressure2 which gets a nonselected cpu player to run to the player. Once he settles in your half for a couple of seconds the throughball threat dies off anyways and you can go back to applying regular pressure. And also on 1 on 1's or 1 on 2 where you have 1 stopper left make sure not to try and defend using full sprint. If you do it like I told you you should have at least 1 stopper in front of his final striker. If you try to run towards him or his direction a slightly skilled player can cross you pretty comfortably with a few cuts or skills. Instead use your advantageous position to anticipate where he will be going and try to stay in front of him by either walking or strafing. Also while you're maintaining your distance, if he's sprinting you can easily get the ball if you make in a move just when he has kicked the ball forward. And if he's walking you can directly apply pressure to him by holding the button down and sprinting, you dont even have to pick a direction. If you're doing these things even halfway right usually you can neutralize threats since if you have anticipated the through pass and have slowed it down for even 2-3 seconds then your defenders will get back to help you. And as you get better you'll be able to position so well that you'll be picking up the through passes or directly getting the ball from the strikers feet most of the time.

If you're caught 1 on 1 with only the goalie, it's all about timing. A useful technique is committing with the goalie and stopping half a second before the collision. This will close the angle really well and increase your chances of saving the ball. If the guy is doing a full sprint and he has a defender on him going shoulder to shoulder, commit imminently since he has very slight chance to score in such a situation. If you are worrying about lobbing, leave it in the second plan. Lobs have a tendency to go over the post so it is better for you to force a lob than giving a shot at goal. But if the player is walking towards you that's usually a sign to attempt a lob so be aware of that, but goalies tend to step up the line anyways so it's best to commit no matter what unless you're 100% he's gonna lob it.

This is actually just like defending in real life which is a very good thing for the game. What is not like real life is the frequency of these situations. And people who pick Man Unaldo, LiverTORRES, and Barceleto'o kinda ruin it. The good thing is if you make backwards run like I said, you can eliminate the threat and these guys are mostly one trick ponies so you basically have their hand ties as long as you stay focused.

I actually don't even mind losing to people who attempt to play something other than this cheap through pass game or pick other teams than Barcelona or Man United (sometimes Liverpool). I could lose to aguy playing intelligently 5 times ina row and I wouldnt mind playing him 5 more times, becuause that's the beauty of this game when it's played right. I have played games so competitive that my hands were sweating and a slight slip of the joystick could mean a goal for or against me. That is something completely different than when I'm playing some guy who just keeps trying to through pass to Ronaldo or Eto'o or trying to catch me on the counter.
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Thanks for the tips, I also find when I mark Ronaldo, and he never gets the ball they quit when I'm 3-0 up. I can have a great against united and be winning 5-0, or I could be losing the game 3-0. Depends on how I play, but recently I have learned how to mark Ronaldo, with a strong full back (Vargas) from Fiorentina.
I've tested moving the CB's further back and it definitely works.

I've been playing a lot with Real Madrid online recently and 90% of my opponents are Man Utd or Barca and its very satisfying watching my defence take the ball off their forwards on several occasions. It makes some people change their approach mid game and actually try and pass the ball around.

Using a tweaked version of Madrid's default formation (change the team mentality to defensive at KO) I moved Pepe and Cannavaro back a bit and I also moved the LB's starting position back one spot. It also helps playing Marcelo at LB instead of Heinze because he can keep pace with Ronaldo/Messi etc.

I moved Diarra and Gago back one spot and I play Higuian and Huntelaar upfront also

:l2: is great online.
I was referring to the Jostle button, I've forgotten what it is...
Why does Iker Casillas kick the ball 90% of the time with his weaker right foot?

Is their anyway that I can change it?
Guys, I am having a blast online with this game. I can't wait for how the next version in September will play. I can't imagine it getting more realistic than it already is. The only thing I see for them to fix would be some player faces/body and tweak the responsiveness a bit more. This game is definately a GEM and really shines online.

Yes, it's true that there are many one-on-one type goals, but this game allows you to play through the wings peppering the ball into the box as well. It also allows for you to build up your play, pass the ball around outside the box, and set up your best shot player for an outside scorcher. This game allows for many styles and gives you lots of freedom.

Yesterday I lost a game with an injury time goal which was just and very realistic. I've also won games in injury time which was an amazing feeling. I've also been a victim of numerous disconnects when leading a game.

I still have a lot more to master and tweak in my gameplay department and player movement. I am getting better and better at turning at the right time with certain agile type players, and have learned to use LT(Jokey Button)to better control my players on/off the ball to my advantage. I've also improved my headers on goal a lot by using the LT at the right time and have managed to score some beauties where I felt in total control of my player.

I play on SEMI shooting, Manual Through ball, Auto Passing, and Semi-Crossing. Works a beauty!

The only thing I really wish this game had, was a full practice mode as PES where I could spend hrs tweaking certain specific areas and skills for online.

If anyone is up for a game tomorrow morning Eastern time, shoot me a private message.

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Guys, I am having a blast online with this game. I can't wait for how the next version in September will play. I can't imagine it getting more realistic than it already is. The only thing I see for them to fix would be some player faces/body and tweak the responsiveness a bit more. This game is definately a GEM and really shines online.

Yes, it's true that there are many one-on-one type goals, but this game allows you to play through the wings peppering the ball into the box as well. It also allows for you to build up your play, pass the ball around outside the box, and set up your best shot player for an outside scorcher. This game allows for many styles and gives you lots of freedom.

Yesterday I lost a game with an injury time goal which was just and very realistic. I've also won games in injury time which was an amazing feeling. I've also been a victim of numerous disconnects when leading a game.

I still have a lot more to master and tweak in my gameplay department and player movement. I am getting better and better at turning at the right time with certain agile type players, and have learned to use LT(Jokey Button)to better control my players on/off the ball to my advantage. I've also improved my headers on goal a lot by using the LT at the right time and have managed to score some beauties where I felt in total control of my player.

I play on SEMI shooting, Manual Through ball, Auto Passing, and Semi-Crossing. Works a beauty!

The only thing I really wish this game had, was a full practice mode as PES where I could spend hrs tweaking certain specific areas and skills for online.

If anyone is up for a game tomorrow morning Eastern time, shoot me a private message.


yo homeboy, try manual passing... much better then assisted
Manual passing is much better, but not on-line, unless your opponent also plays manual.

I've tried manual v assisted opponent, and it's far too easy for them, with all their passes being perfectly scripted for them, and far more responsive, as they don;t need to wait for power bars to fill.

It's like trying to play against someone who's been give a 20% speed boost.
Sorry to double post but:

Yesterday I learned how to do the Hocus Pocus, I can do it in the arena, but I can never do it in the match? Why is that! I'm using the same player I used in the arena (Del Piero).
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