FIFA 12 slider settings & discussion

I've bumped the passing speed down from Placebo's sliders. The game itself still feels too fast, so I'll have to do some more tweaking next time I'm on.

I also didn't get on with the 51 shot speed, or the increased keeping. There were too many absolute rockets for me just from that +1 change. I prefer the shots to travel at default speed but the keepers to treat them more like they're bullets - so I've reduced keeping to 48 or so.

I really need a more refined acceleration slider, as well as more options for dribbling. Something that separates first touch from passing speed would be good too. I know a slider to separate bounciness from directional error was in the pipeline for passing, so hopefully we'll see that next year.

As for the gameplay itself, it really needs something of a pass-and-move upgrade. The AI needs to think 2 or 3 passes ahead in order to recreate the Spanish(/Swansea) game. That also includes more of an ability for players to make runs that aren't tracked, or purposefully look for space when defenders have their back turned. The game needs to understand backspin, and to get players dribbling and generally playing with their stronger foot unless they're forced to use their other foot.

There's other stuff too, but those are my thoughts at the mo.
Placebo a question? I've decreased pass speed to 65 for me and 75 for the CPU. Will decreasing pass speed make the game less bobbly and bouncy? This is one area that I love with these sliders the fact that I guess player control comes into it when the ball gets pinged into feet?

I find the bobbly bouncing passes are caused when you increase passing error but not passing speed, they make errors by just bobbling passes around, raising pass speed means that when passes go astray they do so generally because they're overpassed rather than underpassed, then of course lesser ball control comes into play, it's possible you will still see this with lower passing error but for my gameplay I need the raised errors for a competitive Legendary :) As I mentioned before any slider set should be a base which you then refine to your own requirements :)
I've bumped the passing speed down from Placebo's sliders. The game itself still feels too fast, so I'll have to do some more tweaking next time I'm on.
I also find the game on Slow too fast. I've lowered passing speed but I'm also experimenting with lower Sprint Speed at the moment.

As for the gameplay itself, it really needs something of a pass-and-move upgrade. The AI needs to think 2 or 3 passes ahead in order to recreate the Spanish(/Swansea) game.
I think that AI players who are not the primary 'selected player' could generally benefit from being more reactive. I don't just mean off-the-ball movement, but also when a clearance happens, or a ball is in the air or is loose... it feels like if they are not the selected player, they don't react, they are too passive.

In addition to thinking ahead for pass-and-move purposes, imagine what a difference it would make to team pressing as well, i.e. closing options.

and to get players dribbling and generally playing with their stronger foot unless they're forced to use their other foot.
Yeah, that would be nice. I feel that this year weak foot ability is more pronounced than ever, but weak foot frequency still needs work.
I think that AI players who are not the primary 'selected player' could generally benefit from being more reactive. I don't just mean off-the-ball movement, but also when a clearance happens, or a ball is in the air or is loose... it feels like if they are not the selected player, they don't react, they are too passive.

In addition to thinking ahead for pass-and-move purposes, imagine what a difference it would make to team pressing as well, i.e. closing options.

Absolutely. I've said as much to EA. If you have a teammate who is almost perfectly placed to receive a loose header/clearance, and you either don't switch to him immediately or in the heat of the moment you press L1 and end up switching away from him, he just sidesteps away from under the ball, rather than contesting it. I usually find it worst during the AI's passing moves, when it feels like I and I alone have to anticipate passes, whereas my teammates will let easily reachable passes reach the man they're supposed to be marking. Combined with the secondary contain that doesn't really trouble the CPU or look to block shots/crosses, it really can be very frustrating.
What I hate in relation to that is when you switch the play to your fullback at the same time they decided to move forward, if the pass is a little off target behind them, they refuse to break their forward run and instead the wide player ahead of them has to run all the way back to the fullback position to try to collect the ball, happens a lot and annoys the hell out of me!
im really not sure about shot speed?

51 you do score some screamers from long range and quite often

BUT on 50 I rarely score piledriver type screamers. But if you watch real football you often see power shots and golas from 20-30 yards. Its not realy that uncommon.

I think 50 is underpowered and 51 slightly overpowered. 51 makes game more exciting and more exciting goals though.
What I hate in relation to that is when you switch the play to your fullback at the same time they decided to move forward, if the pass is a little off target behind them, they refuse to break their forward run and instead the wide player ahead of them has to run all the way back to the fullback position to try to collect the ball, happens a lot and annoys the hell out of me!

Yeah. It's this assumption that only one player should participate at a time. It's one of the hardest things to adapt to when switching from PES to FIFA.

I can see why getting the balance right is tricky - you don't want players running into each other, or ending up too close and leaving you with no passing options. It's a lot better than FIFA 08 and the like, too, when swapping to another player was never an option. The AI just needs to free itself up more, thereby freeing you up to think ahead a few moves yourself.

Is beating players with the right stick knock-on still a bit too easy on Legendary? It's not as easy now I've brought the acceleration up to default, but it's still too effective IMO, on World Class at least. I'd like to see the ability to do a smaller knock-on by tapping R2 and a direction - it'd allow you to be more specific about your dribbling, particularly since beating tackles is about timing. By making it more a part of the game it should also result in defensive AI that is more clued up on it. I think I confused mfmaxpower when I rambled about it a lot, without sharing my train of thought, I'll have more of a think and post something easier to follow.
It's the easiest way to beat a player still on Legendary yeah, I tend to abuse it cos I can never remember how to pull off the good tricks when I need them ;) Unless your player has blistering pace though you need to time it right as defenders seem better at reading it on Legendary.
Mr. Placebo sir you're sliders are brilliant! I've been trying to create a set over at OS, but I could never get it just right. I've been trying to play 15 min. halves so I was taking some of your ideas and using them with mine and the results were mixed. I finally went today and tried your sliders exactly, using 10 min. halves and they were nothing less than perfect!!!
Glad you're enjoying them, some things aren't for everyone and you might need to tweak slightly depending on what league/teams you use but I think it's a decent balance :)
I´ve found something that may be interesting. Try to put nearly all sliders in 0 except acceletarion slider. This will make the game more real. I mean, if you set acceleration to 47 or 62 or whatever, than the rest of decisions are made by every team itself. Strongest teams will play as they are with their own abilities and you will play freely with your tactics and skill on the worpad (or keyboard). Acceleration will set the pace of game.
For those sliders reffering to shot accuracy os pass error of CPU leav it in the middle (50)
so is it most peoples opinion that shot speed 51 is best. 50 too weak?

Does shot error for user need to be increased to balance increased speed benefits. If so on semi-assisted what would be a decent shot error for user? 53? 55?
My opinion is there's no perfect setting, you need to choose what you like best, it's irrelevant what I or anyone else prefer, it's your game.
My opinion is there's no perfect setting, you need to choose what you like best, it's irrelevant what I or anyone else prefer, it's your game.

True enough. I prefet 51. I put it back to 50 and started lining up shots that would be decent efforts on 51 and they just crawled along the grass. I dont think holding shoot longer even helped?

Well when I play online it defaults to 50 so I dotn like to vary my sliders to much from default.
I don't play online so not an issue, but notice how boring and rigid default sliders are when I do a challenge.

Thats very true and it makes me wodner what the EA team were thinking about? Did they even test the game?

Why are default setting so dull and rigid gameplay.

Surely EA themeselves woudlve made the most exciting game with deafult if they spent long enough gameplay testing?
i just treid 80/85 marking and it was a good game seemed easier than 50 marking. I dont get it?

I wonder what happens with such high marking? I didnt notice much diffrence weird cause wehn i play 50 its noticeably tight and when i drop below 47 its far to eay to score...
Placebo, what kind of player individuality are you seeing with your sliders? Are you referring to the high pass speed making players with better ball control stand out more?

The game does alot right this year, but I feel it still lags behind in having dynamic gameplay. Still don't see enough possession football instead of going forward as quickly as possible, also not enough diversity in goal scoring and shot chances by non attacking players. I don't play on Legendary though, so perhaps that level brings this out more.

I'll give your sliders a shot. :)
Placebo, what kind of player individuality are you seeing with your sliders? Are you referring to the high pass speed making players with better ball control stand out more?

Yep ball control, passing, shooting those attributes in particular stand out a lot more.
As for the gameplay itself, it really needs something of a pass-and-move upgrade. The AI needs to think 2 or 3 passes ahead in order to recreate the Spanish(/Swansea) game. That also includes more of an ability for players to make runs that aren't tracked, or purposefully look for space when defenders have their back turned.

Bingo, that's what's needed most, a more reactive, intelligent AI and a sort of vision-model defining what defenders controlled by the CPU can realistically see happen.

The problem is only how to transfer that vision-aspect to us human players who can see the whole pitch. Should players become invisible when not in the vision-area of the nearby-players?

Or should reaction of the player be more passive when trying to get him to react to someone he couldn't see due to his vision?
Any idea for people who play with friends 1 vs 1 . Placebo sliders are pretty good but maybe someone has better one ?
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I struggle to score or pass in this game on pro - loads of 0-0s. I find it hard to find space or get clear of the last defender yet I am going to try your slider settings Placebo.

Or am I being too ambitious?
The problem is only how to transfer that vision-aspect to us human players who can see the whole pitch. Should players become invisible when not in the vision-area of the nearby-players?

Or should reaction of the player be more passive when trying to get him to react to someone he couldn't see due to his vision?

In a word, no. I don't think this vision should be transferred to the human-controlled defender in any way, besides passing accuracy. We may have a full view of the entire pitch (or most of it) but we have disadvantages elsewhere, such as not being able to react instantaneously to attacking runs in the first place, or perfectly and instantaneously read the path of a CPU through ball.
I struggle to score or pass in this game on pro - loads of 0-0s. I find it hard to find space or get clear of the last defender ?

same here what helped me was moving CPu marking down.

Try between 45-48. 45 might be to easy to start at 45 and work up til u get good balance between too much space and loadsa chances to a bit tighter.
I struggle to score or pass in this game on pro - loads of 0-0s. I find it hard to find space or get clear of the last defender yet I am going to try your slider settings Placebo.

Or am I being too ambitious?

You might be being a bit too ambitious to use my slider set to be honest, at least don't raise pass/shot error for yourself so much :)
In a word, no. I don't think this vision should be transferred to the human-controlled defender in any way, besides passing accuracy. We may have a full view of the entire pitch (or most of it) but we have disadvantages elsewhere, such as not being able to react instantaneously to attacking runs in the first place, or perfectly and instantaneously read the path of a CPU through ball.

Yes, we humans have other disadvantages that the CPU doesn't have, but what if the CPU is modeled in such a way that it has the same human disadvantages as well. I mean that's what I'm and you were talking about, making the CPU behave more humanely. Something could be built in to reduce the computer-like-instantaneous-behaviour of the CPU.

If that is achieved, shouldn't then the human advantage of seeing everything going on on the pitch regardless of player's vision and positioning be dealt with in some way? Making players invisible when not in the vision-area of nearby defenders or making the defenders less reactive to our inputs to threats outside their vision or some other instrument to deal with that aspect would make the game more realistic.
I understand what you want to do with those ideas - I just don't see how they'd be workable, or how they could possibly be put in and accepted by even 0.1% of the FIFA or PES demographic. The uproar at players glitching in and out of view, or the player you're controlling not responding as expected, would be monstrous.

The only way to do it would be to create a Pro camera that works, that isn't just forward facing, that allows for glances over the shoulder, that is 60fps, with players able to communicate to you and you being able to hear a player running in behind you etc etc. But we're still so far from all of that coming together, and further still from it being something people could use with any level of success.
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