FIFA 09 Discussion Thread (Old)

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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Another 3rd foto , soon will be more fotos and info about pc version .

That second foto from pc too. In Moscow they wanted to leak not only video , the build too.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Was it just all PC ?

And what you mean they wanted to leak the build ? you mean they wanted to leak the game itself :CONF:
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Yes the wanted ro leak the game itself and yes in Moscow was only PC version , because in Russia pc is much more popular then consoles.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

As I said there were only PC version and there was only PC producer - Paul Hossack . In Russia most of all care about PC version. Thats why because there were PC
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Customisable runs... Oh dear don't like the sound of that...

I'm sure that means runs into space, not the way they run (animation). Say you're controlling your Scholes, and you click Giggs with your mouse and click again towards the direction you want him to run into.

That's what I figured anyway.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

no its better on the pc then on the console. lag free. easy to mod. can use any controler u wish and can connect your pc to your hd tv
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

No not by myself but i know where to find info, soon will be more foto i hope. They also tried to make a video , but EA administrator said to delete it .
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

no its better on the pc then on the console. lag free. easy to mod. can use any controler u wish and can connect your pc to your hd tv

no fifa is better on consoles and the fact it uses the next gen game ''engine'' makes it way better from the start! and consoles are generally lag free also infact fifa games on pc are usually way more laggy on a general server ip to ip prevents that but in general consoles are where sports games were designed to be played
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Personally the choice between playing on PC or 360 is down to comfort, for PC I sit in the kitchen at a desk on a chair in front of a 19" monitor, on 360 I lay in bed playing on my 32" LCD, usually with my wife laid next to me playing something on her laptop :)
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread




Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

They still have Emirates wrong. The panels around the stands should be red not concrete :rant:
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