FIFA 09 PC discussion thread

Athlon64 3200+ running at 2200mhz, 7600GT PCI-X, 1gb DDR400...

i have dualcore 2.66ghz with 1,5gb ddr400 and asus nvidia7300gt and it doesn't run smoothly on my pc... it stumbles even on medium setting, comparing to pes2008 wich runs awesome...

ea sports totally fucked up this game... it's a shame that it cannot run smootly on these specs even on medium settings (depth field off, 3g grass off)...
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i have dualcore 2.66ghz with 1gb ddr400 and asus nvidia7300gt and it doesn't run smoothly on my pc... it stumbles even on medium setting, comparing to pes2008 wich runs awesome...

ea sports totally fucked up this game... it's a shame that it cannot run smootly on these specs even on medium settings (depth field off, 3g grass off)...

fifa09 is last gen game...on pc...
as is pes2008...why fifa runs slower? because ea doesnt care...
Dotslack is the one with common sense here.

I'm sorry, but if it was as easy as one or two of you seem to think it is to port the next-gen version, they would. It's not a major job, and quite obviously they know it would sell them more copies.

A football game vs Call of Duty 4 is not comparable. I can also fully well believe that AI football players have to make thousands of decisions a second, and there are 22 of these on the pitch at any one time. Call of Duty 4 AI is largely 'on rails' and doesn't need to cover anywhere near the same range of movement and actions as an AI footballer.

Then there is the small matter of processors that we've already been over. A 360 has 3 cores, a PS3 six. You can't compare any of the current PC processors with that. Sure, once a dual core gets fast enough it will be a similar speed to some triple or quad core processors, but the manufacturers won't make dual core processors that fast, they will just start making more quad cores.

I think we should end it at that. I think the logic is there, and frankly I couldn't care less anymore because the fact is I enjoy the game, as do several others - if you don't then there is no real reason to post in this thread.
i disagree. where just going round and round with this crap.

you and the other guy believe a footy game is more AI advance then crysis and a RTS game i mentioned before but i disagree.

im just going to be repeating myself and time and time again on how a game like crysis and gta4 can render a world 10x bigger then a football stadium and can be playable on a 2-3 year old pc which has far superior AI physics then this piece of shit called fifa09.

more core's doesnt mean ist faster. some dual core's are faster then quad core's

core 2 is a farr superior cpu then any of the console cpu's.

one question: you say fifa09 has great online features. well why doesnt it have online 10v10 BAP? are you going to tel me that a pc cant handle 20 players on a pc game?

also why doesnt fifa09 have custom tactics? again are most pc's not able to utilize such a "minor" feature?

anyways its good that you enjoy such a crap game imo and that you believe in EA'S reasoning so yea lets just leave it as that as no matter what i and others say, your going to defend your argument to death

fifa09 is last gen game...on pc...
as is pes2008...why fifa runs slower? because ea doesnt care...

i wouldnt say pes08 is a last gen game. its next gen as its identical to the ps3/360 version.
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Well, to be fair up till now you haven't even produced any solid evidence to prove to the contrary what I'm saying. More so, you're just asking us to believe that you're a programmer with C# knowledge and therefore you... understand how to program games better?

Once again, I say, bring out the facts along with your argument before just dumping "the game is crap and so are your comments you are clearly ignorant and I am definitely right" logic on in here- I've always believed that points of view can change if you would just bring in EVIDENCE. Hard evidence too. And properly-read evidence, unlike "ofifa09o" and his "30 million" 8800s sold.
Well, to be fair up till now you haven't even produced any solid evidence to prove to the contrary what I'm saying. More so, you're just asking us to believe that you're a programmer with C# knowledge and therefore you... understand how to program games better?

Once again, I say, bring out the facts along with your argument before just dumping "the game is crap and so are your comments you are clearly ignorant and I am definitely right" logic on in here- I've always believed that points of view can change if you would just bring in EVIDENCE. Hard evidence too. And properly-read evidence, unlike "ofifa09o" and his "30 million" 8800s sold.
same could be said for your posts. where is the evidence that footy games are more demanding then any pc game ever made?

where just going around in circles mate. you aint posted not a single link backing up ANY of your points unless i have missed it? i posted some benchmarks on how a simple dual core pwnes a ps3 6 core cpu.

some other guy posted some sale figures on 8 series cards. now at least where posting some evidence. it may not be hard enough but its better then what you have posted.:TU:

give me some links showing how complex a footy sim is and then on how complex a pc fps game like crysis and on a RTS game and if somehow u managed to find a link on the source code and project designes that shows fifa09 next gen being more complex and more demanding then other games thats been stated, i will hand u a cookie.

you based your arguments on what u see on-screen. if your a programmer u would know that you can "trick" viewers into thinking some program/game is amazingly complex while to us programmers all we see is a few lines of codes that could produce somthing great onscreen to the viewer. im not saying fifa09 is a piss easy thing to create but i bet u a shit load of cash that some parts of the game carry next to no load on the cpu. its called optimisation pal ;)

untill then lets leave it has that.:TU:
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Excuse me? Your benchmarks themselves claim that they're barely making full use of the PS3s cores, and his "sales figures" were wrong because Nvidia certainly did not sell "30 million 8800s" as he claimed. Go read them again, I'm pretty sure you didn't do so else you wouldn't keep claiming them to be proper evidence. Heck, since he couldn't even be bothered to read the actual source of the figures I'll give it to you right here:
Want to talk about "PR BS"? It's right there, from the Nvidia bloke.

Also your benchmark was -outdated-, heck I even referred you to a newer version of the benchmark from the same guys AND they still admitted that it wasn't a fair comparison. What do you have to say to that?

Of course I know all about 'tricks' programmers play- PES has been full of it since day 1, and it's pretty common knowledge that you can edit files in FIFA09 for the PC in order to alter gameplay elements like the swerve of the ball, how bouncy it is etc. You'll notice that I wasn't the one who brought up comparisons in the first place, so maybe you should go get the source codes instead?

Uh madball, you do know a 7300gt is way, way inferior to even a 7600gt right? That was already the case even uh, 3 years ago when the 7600gt was decent mid-range card. Even now PES08 stutters at times when I play on medium, after I pared my running processes down to 27. Maybe you have too many processes in the way? You could try AMD's Fusion, it's helped me gain a few fps here and there, so it should be a major boost for you.

To jonney: well since I can see I'm not getting anywhere with plain logic I'll cease. It's not like what you say is going to stop me from enjoying both PES09 and FIFA09 anyway. Both, in my opinion, are pretty good on the PC with contrasting play styles, and the only thing to suffer will be my wallet. To each his own, eh mate? Maybe we can wait for the mods to come in and say a word or two, till then uh, have fun bashing EA.

... EA doesn't develop produce the games by the way, it just publishes them (like they did Battlefield and so many other games) so bashing them about DRM is pretty different from bashing the EA Sports FIFA09PC development team. Just thought you should know.

edit: I quoth Placebo, who's been around a far longer time than you and I (okay I've been lurking but hey) and makes sense most of the time.

IMO it's a completely flawed argument to say that the next gen console version of PES runs on PC so why doesn't the next gen console version of Fifa because they're completely different, PES is a very low end game in terms of graphics and gameplay engine, it doesn't have proper rendered faces and such, the players are much lower poly, as are the crowds and everything else, animations are old gen and very simple, there's no real physics/collisions engine in the game either, it's no brainer that PES runs ok on the average PC.
HAHAHA hey I love that video too. Had no idea you knew much about Singapore. Faulty assumption, I know, but you can't really blame me because Singapore's tiny and all. Although I reckon the recent F1 race probably boosted the reputation a l'il.

As a, ahem, responsible netizen I try to put things in proper, grammatical English but Singlish always has its quirky sense of freedom, much like all you people with your dialects and accents.
HAHAHA hey I love that video too. Had no idea you knew much about Singapore. Faulty assumption, I know, but you can't really blame me because Singapore's tiny and all. Although I reckon the recent F1 race probably boosted the reputation a l'il.

As a, ahem, responsible netizen I try to put things in proper, grammatical English but Singlish always has its quirky sense of freedom, much like all you people with your dialects and accents.

Your lurking must have failed you young Skywalker ;)

My wife and I just moved to Sweden from Singapore (well just as in April), we lived in Singapore from February 2007 - April 2008 :)
OK, you all know my opinions on this now, I won't argue anymore. Some people believe EA's version of events, some don't, some couldn't care less because they just want to enjoy the game.

If you really feel the need to try and put people down for enjoying a game that you don't enjoy yourself, I would say you have some issues that need addressing.

Now can we restrict this thread purely to talk about the game, not bashing it unnecessarily. I would hope the mods will help out with that.
Your lurking must have failed you young Skywalker ;)

My wife and I just moved to Sweden from Singapore (well just as in April), we lived in Singapore from February 2007 - April 2008 :)

Sorry for more off-topic chat but oh wow, yeah actually I've only returned to reading threads this year or so, and mostly just reading about patches for PES2008 soo.

Anyway, I'm with Wowlman, I think everyone gets the point already. No point returning to a thread about a game you hate anyway, it's not really productive -or- constructive.
fifa09 is last gen game...on pc...
as is pes2008...why fifa runs slower? because ea doesnt care...

i forgot to say that i use win xp, not vista... so this game SHOULD run smoothly with my specs on medium settings (3d grass off, depth field off) by any means... but it doesn't... and it's a crap... pes 2008 has better graphic and engine and i play it on high settings without any slowdowns... EA SPORTS sucks a lot!
Sorry MadbaLL but I really don't see how you can run PES2008 on High settings without any slowdowns with your graphics card- it's just impossible seeing as how I have pretty much the same configuration with a superior graphics card and have PES2008 slowing down on me all the time on High. Maybe you have frameskip on.

Gaming performance is now the same between Vista and XP due to better drivers from Nvidia, so there isn't much of a difference.

In any case, if you really hate the game so much you don't have to play it, using a low-end card from 4 generations ago is sadly not going to get you great performance. What resolution do you run PES2008 and FIFA09 at?
Er? Vista does -not- force you to use DX10, or didn't you notice? Also FIFA09 is -not- a DX10 title so hah, hah, hah. Real world it is, but applicable to the topic it isn't.

Anyway, say what you want it's quite clear that you're wrong AND using the wrong benchmarks to back yourself up, so no disrespect but I'd like to leave it like this. Cheerios!
Sorry MadbaLL but I really don't see how you can run PES2008 on High settings without any slowdowns with your graphics card- it's just impossible seeing as how I have pretty much the same configuration with a superior graphics card and have PES2008 slowing down on me all the time on High. Maybe you have frameskip on.

Gaming performance is now the same between Vista and XP due to better drivers from Nvidia, so there isn't much of a difference.

In any case, if you really hate the game so much you don't have to play it, using a low-end card from 4 generations ago is sadly not going to get you great performance. What resolution do you run PES2008 and FIFA09 at?

of course that i have frame skipp "on"... that doesn't ruin the game at all... i just claim that fifa 09 should've work with my specs at least on medium settings without any slowdowns... but it doesn't... and that is unacceptable...

i play both on 1024x768... that is the lowest playable resolution today...
Im going to re light the argument abit here.

i have just heard news that the nba 2k9 game will indeed come out on the pc and guess what. its not a piece of shit last gen version of the game. its a DIRECT port of the 360 version one. i will find out more info about this but if it is 100% true then that further favours my argument on how lazy and poor there excuses has been in not porting fifa09 next gen into pc's

edit: proof from a 2k sports admin

now before u go on and argue that bbal has less players and a smallar arena i would like to point out to u that imo the AI and gameplay is as complex as fifa09 if not more from what i have seen and played from it.

im more then likely going to try a demo of nba 2k9 on the pc if it appears and will do so on my single core pc and if im able to run that game on med at 720p res then i can further back my statement that a fifa09 next gen game could be more then capable of running on MOST DUAL CORE cpu's out their.

if thats the case then than 1-3% bullshit that EA have "made up" is in itself complete bullshit has

1. dual core cpu's have been out for years and

2. almost EVERY pc u buy now from the price range of 200+ and above all have dual core. heck i am reading now on todays metro that a new Dell Inspiron Mini that has that new atom processor which apparently is single or dual core for around £300.

single core is a thing of the past mate and it will be interesting to see how well nba 2k9 plays. abit off topic but just trying to prove to u that fifa09 next gen can be played on alot of machines at decent framerates and settings. all this AI nonsence is complete crap as EA could optimize and make it work on pc's if they really wanted too.

well like i said before, its EA's loss not me as many wont bother with fifa09 on the pc and instead opt to buy PES09 as it seems that it is an improved version of last years shit ;)

One question i would like to ask you. why doesnt the pc version of fifa have 10v10 online?
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haha true ok that will be my final say, i will just PM him my response later or direct him to the nba thread to further discuss this matter if he chooses to ;)
In summary:
Could the FIFA09 console version run on PC?
- Yes but differing opinions on what percentage of PC's and how much effort from EA.

Is the PC version any good as is?
- Not spectacular, seems quite fun but is prone to the same patterns which plague all versions of FIFA (eg lowish powered shot towards the corner of goal from a 25-30 yrd centralish position will go in, pretty much every time)
- We can all agree its not as good as the console version at least.

Ok, to try and turn this on its head:

For those who believe EA is telling the truth:
1. Do we think the level AI in the PC version would work on a PS2?
2. Do we think EA could have produced better AI on the PC while still targetting a large proportion of the market (eg with the same sort of min requiements as COD4)?

For those who think EA could have put the same version on a decent amount of PC's anyway, the answers to the above are pretty obvious! To be fair, all answers are laregly irrelevent as nothing's going to change now.
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We could always hope the PC team actually has something they're working on behind the scenes, much like how FM's team had been working on a 3d match engine for the past 3 or 4 years.

You make good points there, Phil. To be honest I'm a bit hooked on FIFA09 now, and that's just the demo. I'd rather play the demo than full game of PES2008 ahaha that definitely says something. I definitely hope PES2009 and FIFA09 are genuinely good (even though they could always be better); after all whatever's in the demo is still not final.

Playing a bit more, I don't quite like the way pace control works. It's too jerky, for one, and that's one of the things I've always placed PES above FIFA for- the animations link up more smoothly. I can understand the response thing because logically, humans don't kick or run or move immediately either. In fact it puts quite a bit of a tactical spin on the game, because you have to watch your timing or plan ahead. Good stuff.

Oh and jonney, I think we should hold off discussion for the port of NBA2K9? Reason being, we have no idea what the system requirements are like, nor how well it runs.
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just bought it and gonna put it in now yeah and check if all transfers are done etc,keep you informed !!!
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