Forza Motorsport 2

it sure is cowden, boring to start with but once you move off of proving grounds and onto the Pro Races it gets 10 times better.
I got the game (forza2) and i got the 360 wheel. It's brilliant.

Btw, dirt feels less arcade if u use the wheel. Especially if u also use the cockpit camereview (those 2 where u see the steering wheel). It takes practice but after u get it down Dirt is much much more enjoyble. Before i bought the MS 360 wheel, i hated the dirt demo. Now, i really enjoy it. It is a lot harder and super intense.
cowden, how do you make cars like that? is it a combination of lots of Layers to make Logos and stuff?
wow i want that biffy car, wud u put it on my car for me?

how much uwillin to seel it for with design not locked down?????????

i'll willin to pay high bucks
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how long does it take to get off the proving grounds and how do i know when i have?
Coopz, when you get to later on in the game it gets tonnes more interesting and fun. :)
I got my BMW 3 touring Car and it Kicks ASS!!!!! wohoooo i love this Game! you can feel the car, its amazing, the physics are awesome, you can feel when tha car goes to break ou in curves and you can Catch it and makes it so realistic!!!!
I had another blast on the wheel today, I'm dying to buy one. It really is like playing a different game, I've never known a console setup (or a PC setup, or an arcade setup) feel so realistic. If only they were cheaper...
What really impresses me is the fact that my times with the steering wheel are the same or, depending on the track, even better than the ones I scored with the normal controller. I just can't get enough of this game.
Glad you like it pepe, it is decent, we will have to hook up online soon, add me mate. DocEvangelist, same for you JB if you want us to have a race sometime.
I had another blast on the wheel today, I'm dying to buy one. It really is like playing a different game, I've never known a console setup (or a PC setup, or an arcade setup) feel so realistic. If only they were cheaper...

if your short for cash get a littlewoods catalogue or the like and get it for about £100, less if you find vouchers then you pay about 10 each month

job done
DJ and JB i have had you 2 on my list for ages and never played a game with either of you

we need to sort one out soon

a question about the upgrades, what upgrades do i do first? there are so many i dont know what the fuck im doin
The book you get with the limited edition explains that the most important part is actually the tires, as they are your car's only contact with the road. After that, it depends on what you need, more grip or more speed.
im starting to like it :)

i have had about 15 races with the 206 and just changed to a Jag for a rear/front wheel drive race and the differance in cars is unreal

im looking forward to testing some powerfull cars out now :)
DJ and JB i have had you 2 on my list for ages and never played a game with either of you

we need to sort one out soon

a question about the upgrades, what upgrades do i do first? there are so many i dont know what the fuck im doin
Coopz, im usually online in the evenings if your about and fancy a race drop me a line, if a few of us can organise something like we did with PGR3 then that would be good.
im so glad you lot told me to play it a bit more im loving it now

I never thought this would happen but im actually into the tuning :)

my Clio was all over the shop so i let the tyres down a bit and adjusted the spoiler now it handles great
bought myself a tvr tuscan now, excellent car, like it has been in all games before (gran turismo etc.)

light, powerful, very stiff chassis

love to drift it :)
Online is good but I get so pissed off with other drivers. I have lost so many races because guys don't know how to use the break button. I slow down into a corner and then BAM!! guy behind hits me, makes me spin out and I now in last position.
Yeah I've had that a few times unfortunately, but you can't blame Turn 10 for that because that's online players for you.
does anyone play with manual gear controls? I find it pretty difficult so keep with automatic.

Ferrari F355 Challenge is the only driving sim where manual controls feel normal for me.
yeah, turned off all driving aids

love shifting the way i want to :) lets you control your car a lot better imo
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